
Kai Xiang started his financial advisory practice in 2016 with the best intentions of serving the needs of his clients.

He started his career in an insurance company. Shortly after, he starts realizing the limitations representing only one company product and solutions. He wanted to do more.

Seeking to do more for his clients, he chose to be in an objective platform, partnering PPPartners, as he saw an alignment to provide comprehensive planning for his clients.

Kai Xiang believes in continuous improvement to serve his clients better. He is also an Associate Estate Planning Professional. It has equipped him with the ability to help his clients plan for their estate.


Principles & Values

“Do not treat others in ways we do not like to be treated.
Treat them how we would like to be treated."

Kai Xiang believes in treating everyone with sincerity and respect regardless of status. He earned his nickname, Mr. Doraemon, as he is always there for people when they need help.

Through his personal experiences, he has seen that financial bills can become crippling. Hence he ensures his clients have sufficient coverage so their families will never have to suffer.

Kai Xiang enjoys a great sense of satisfaction when his clients get a clearer picture of their finances and are on track with their individual financial goals!

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“Every life deserves to be protected, regardless of who you are or where you are from.”

- Yeo Kai Xiang

Clients’ Endorsements