
Vivien is filled with cheerfulness and has a tale of resilience, positivity, and bright spirits. She weaves through the highs and lows of life, turning challenges into opportunities for joy.

Born in the heart of optimism, cheerfulness spreads its warmth, inspiring others to embrace the beauty of each moment.

Her story is a celebration of laughter, kindness, and an unwavering belief in the power of a smile to light up the darkest days. She embraces empathy to offer assistance and lift others to make a positive impact on all her service recipients.


Principles & Values

Vivien builds her foundation of understanding between parties and fostering strong relationships. She promotes clarity, trust, and shared understanding among her service clients through effective communication and clear exchange of information.

She builds a foundation for ethical relationships and establishes a reputation for reliable and honest interaction by representing herself and the situation truthfully, without deception.

As a problem solver, she can proactively identify challenges, thoroughly analyze them, and develop effective solutions for all.

Her credibility is evident as people place their trust in her, often recommending her services to others. This reflects positive word-of-mouth referrals.

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“Empowering numerous individuals to nurture wealth and health, safeguarding hard-earned legacy for our future generations, creating a mutually beneficial win-win journey for all concerned & a choice to be contented."

- Vivien Ong


Clients’ Endorsements