
Graduating with a bio-engineering degree from NTU, Ryan developed a meticulous and analytical approach to his work. However, driven by a deeper desire to create a meaningful impact on society, he chose to forgo a stable career in engineering.

Ryan's passion for finance stems from his personal experiences growing up in a frugal household that often struggled with poor financial decisions. Determined to help his family make better choices, he immersed himself in the world of financial literacy.

This journey led Ryan to join PPPartners, where he believes the platform and its dedicated team provide the perfect opportunity impact families, helping them achieve stability and prosperity—just as he did for his own family.


Principles & Values

Ryan had a short stint in an advisory firm during his university days. While there, he was conflicted at how they conducted sales and reached their personal goals and thought the whole industry was unethical.

However, this team and platform proved him wrong and provided a place to be both professional and impartial in his advice to clients.

He believes strongly in having integrity and advising each family he meets as his own.

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Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

- Philippians 2:4

- Ryan Tan

Clients’ Endorsements