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Zann has been in the financial advisory industry for 9 years. Due to her family’s painful experience of not having insurance, Zann sincerely wants to help as many people to avoid being in the situation that she had been through.

In PPPartners, Zann loves the flexibility of this career because she gets to decide how she wants to spend her time between her loved ones and her clients. PPPartners has developed a systematic program that gives her clarity and discipline from the start of her career and that has helped her tremendously in achieving her MDRT goal in her first full year.


Principles & Values

Zann's guiding principle as a consultant is to always have integrity and sincerity in mind. The “client first” culture is very important to her and clients’ interests will always be her priority. Not only will she make sure that her advice and recommendations are unbiased and objective, but she will also make effort to understand her clients’ priorities and interests to provide them with updated information progressively.

Instead of positioning herself as a financial consultant, Zann focuses on building long-term relationships by establishing a trust to assure her clients that they can openly share their financial problems with her and have confidence in her service.

The most rewarding moment in her career was when she was able to help her friend, who has a serious medical condition, get full insurance coverage after applying to several insurers, and this gave her a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

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"I've always believed in impacting lives beyond finance, thus I will always make sure that I am a friend, and a consultant who can solve most of my clients’ concerns, not just finance-related matters, throughout their lifetime.”

- Zann tan

Clients’ Endorsements

Awards & Achievements

2017, 2020

EliteGold Qualifier
2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022

Qualifying Member of Million Dollar Round Table
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 (Double Round), 2021, 2023

Qualifying Member of Court of the Table