
In 2009, Siew Yin had to take on the breadwinner role in her family because her Dad contracted an incurable disease. It was the lowest point in her life until she met her mentor, Biao Da. His guidance has led her career to continual success and enable her to provide a better quality of life for her family. It was a 180-degree turning point in her life.

To pay it forward, she has been grooming young achievers to attain unthinkable success. Her wish is to empower more young advisors to believe and realize their full potentials as she did.

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Principles & Values

忠 - Loyalty , 孝 - Filial Piety, 仁 - Humanity, 爱 - Love
礼 - Courtesy, 义 - Righteousness, 廉 - Integrity, 耻 - Sense of Shame

While working smart is essential, Siew Yin value hard-workers with integrity as a priority in this career. With principles and values, it sets a guide in our life so that we will not be blinded by greed, power, or fame.

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"I strongly believe our lives will be significantly transformed with proper guidance with financial planning which I aim to do for myself, my clients, and our families. The only way for more people to be better impacted is to build a team of professionals who continue to guide their clients appropriately in financial advisory."

- Tan Siew Yin

Clients’ Endorsements


Awards & Achievements

EliteGold Qualifier
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

Qualifying Member of Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Qualifying Member of MDRT Court of the Table (COT)
2020, 2021