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Sheng Hui went through the painful experience of having the wrong insurance when his family needed it the most. He joined the financial industry immediately after his national service as he wants to make sure his friends and families will not go through what he went through.

He didn't know the existence of independent financial advisers platform until a few months later into the business. It was challenging and he failed miserably. He believes his clients and friends shouldn't be limited to financial products from only one company, they deserve more! After numerous setbacks and obstacles, he managed to join PPPartners 2 years later, even though the company has rejected his application before. The training and systems in PPPartners have equipped him with up-to-date knowledge and skills to serve his clients and friends better so that they can make a well-informed financial decision.


Principles & Values

Providing a better life for his wife and parents gave Sheng Hui the fuel to continue reaching out to all his clients and friends about what he does.

He believes that financial advisory services are not always about selling the best insurance and investment products to his clients and friends anymore. But rather, sincerely understanding their needs and problem first.

His sincere advice has helped him to build his clientele from all walks of life. For him, he strongly believes that so long he's doing what he can within his ability to protect the lives he has crossed paths with, his clients and friends will come to understand and appreciate that he only wants the best for them!

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There is no shortcut to success.
Fail? Try again!

- sheng hui

Clients’ Endorsements