
Lance joined the financial advisory industry in 2012 after returning from the United Kingdom where he completed his Masters. He is a strong believer in the financial advisory industry as he has several family members who are in the industry. Growing up, they have always shared with their families the importance of proper financial planning.

Having worked 2 years prior to his studies, Lance realized that the 8am-5pm job was not what he truly wanted. Being in the financial advisory industry gives him the opportunity to meet new people and offer them tailored solutions to their problems.

"This career taught me that we do not just forge a business partnership with our clients, but we also forge friendship with them."


Principles & Values

Lance has always believed in a win-win process, where the client and advisor place their trust and confidence in each other to establish a long-term working partnership. If the clients are able to feel that what we advised is sincerely beneficial for them, they will want to continue working with us.

The most rewarding moment Lance had so far was when a schoolmate called him up to review his insurance portfolio after his wife got pregnant. Being a parent, the responsibility of supporting the family rested on his shoulders and he saw the need of having proper financial planning for his new family. The simple call that Lance got from his schoolmate that day encouraged him and he felt deeply appreciated that his schoolmate trusts him in providing solutions for him and his family.

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"I am thankful to be part of PPPartners, who provides a supportive environment where I can continue to grow and gain insight so that I may better serve my clients. We have a structured process that we can guide our clients through, highlighting to them the shortfalls for their goals."

- lance peh

Clients’ Endorsements