
Feeling unappreciated and overworked in her previous job, Jolene felt like she could and was meant to do more than just following her boss’ instructions. As there wasn’t any breakthrough and growth, she felt like she was disappointing herself and her mom who worked really hard to put her through years of education. She decided that she needed a change.

Choosing PPPartners was a no-brainer. The platform, support, and systems within the team gave Jolene the foundation she needed to impact others’ lives, beyond finance.


Principles & Values

Having suffered from a lack of proper financial planning in her early adult years, she wants to help others realize the importance and not make the same mistake as her. Jolene believes that financial planning should be easy and fuss-free so that everyone can spend their time and money on things that truly matter.

Being genuine is her key value in both work and life as she seeks to stay real and transparent to her clients, friends, and family.

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“To make financial planning simple so you’ll have more time and money for things that truly matter.”

- jolene tey

Clients’ Endorsements