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Guo Quan started this career when he was only twenty-three and had just ORD. He joined this career because he knows how financially rewarding this career can be if he were to work hard while providing sound financial advice to his clients. This career allows Guo Quan to design his schedule, his clientele, and his own income.

Guo Quan joined another agency prior to joining PPPartners. Due to that, he could see the clear distinction between PPPartners and other teams. Resources and systems are in place and planned for, and the people are eager to help.


Principles & Values

"My clients will be committing years and years of their hard-earned money into my recommendations. My guiding principle is that I must have the utmost conviction in the products I am recommending."

Guo Quan always does his own research before he recommends anything to his clients. He needs to be able to tell them, “This is the best there is.”.

As a consultant, Guo Quan's role is not only to provide suitable solutions but to also assist his clients to make good financial decisions down the road. That is why he also seeks to improve himself by constantly learning and creating new ideas that ensure practical application for his clients. He takes it upon himself to help his clients grow.

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"If working hard and working smart are the simple formula to success, then joining PPPartners is already half the battle won, and all that is needed for ultimate success is my hard work."

- wee guo quan

Clients’ Endorsements

Awards & Achievements

Qualifying Member of Million Dollar Round Table