
Starting her career in a grueling tech start-up has taught Cheryl great work ethics and determination. Her need for a career switch came when she finally realized her income was capped by the company and not her efforts.

Keeping that in mind, she joined an insurance company where she would do roadshows and doorknocks like any traditional agent. She felt just like another salesperson and didn’t felt fulfilled.

The lack of proper mentorship pushed her to explore her options. She took a leap of faith to join PPPartners amid a pandemic and never looked back.

Cheryl now runs her business only through personal recommendations and is also a trainer and mentor to all the rookies.

Xiulong Casual

Principles & Values

After experiencing how product-driven most consultants are taught to be, Cheryl firmly believes that the focus should not be on the product but the person.

The core of her advisory process is designed to help her clients gain more clarity on where they are right now, where they could be, and show them how they can reach their goals.

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“Helping millennials free up more cash so they can truly experience life on their terms.”

- cheryl ang

Clients’ Endorsements


Cheryl is also an Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP)