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Coming from an engineering background, Bo Xiong had a minimum understanding of insurance and was skeptical about it. It was until 2015 when he had a car accident, and in 2016, when his mum was admitted to hospital due to a heart attack, that he truly understands the importance of insurance as it protects our loved ones.

Knowing that PPPartners has groomed and equipped him with the skills and knowledge to value add to all his family, friends, and clients, Bo Xiong is confident that he can play a part in his clients' long-term planning and assist them in achieving their financial goals.


Principles & Values

Having the gratitude to be capable of providing a better life for his parents, and delivering value-added services to all his clients drive Bo Xiong to strive for excellence in my career.

Having established a great network of friends and businesses from different industries enables Bo Xiong to value-add to his clients beyond financial planning. Sincerity in listening to all the needs and concerns of his clients truly allows him to plan and customize financial solutions for them.

It assures Bo Xiong knowing that he is capable of giving them the assurance and confidence for their future. Career fulfillment comes from the appreciation and gratitude from the clients when they truly value his services and refer all their loved ones to him.

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"I aspire to be the one to deliver the payout to my clients when an unfortunate incident happens."

- bo xiong

Clients’ Endorsements

Awards & Achievements

EliteClass Qualifier

Qualifying Member of Million Dollar Round Table
2019, 2020