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Biao Da firmly believes in providing tailored prescription of financial products by offering balanced and sound advice to his clients. He finds value and purpose in improving their quality of life through holistic consultation and planning.

Having discovered his love and passion for connecting with people from all walks of life, he successfully began his career in 2005. He exceeded expectations and became a Branch Director when he was 26 and has since been grooming high-performing consultants with a heart for their clients and leaders who excel and contribute actively in our community.

What motivates him is the opportunity to learn from every individual, and to be endowed with the ability to positively impact and influence the lives of others.

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Principles & Values

Trust begets trust. This is a career that requires integrity, dogged commitment, and credibility. Biao Da only recruits individuals who aspire to build a practice that is solely aligned to the interests of their clients, as he strongly believes this is the only way to build sustainable long term success.

Biao Da only recruits individuals who have the specific values and character to be trusted advisors of their clients. Clients and consultants will only trust you when they know that you have their interests at heart.

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“It is most rewarding when my clients refer and entrust their friends and family to me, as that only happens when they know I have their interest at heart. Clients often become lifelong friends and business partners. Many even refer their friends to join me as consultants, entrusting their careers and success with me.

- Foo Biao Da


Clients’ Endorsements