
As a young Malaysian boy grappling with the challenges of studying in Singapore, Kent had to start working at the age of 16 to support himself. By accident, he stepped into the realm of financial advisory business in 2011. Since then, he has come to understand the profound significance of financial planning and its transformative impact on individuals.

With over a decade of experience, Kent derives his greatest satisfaction from the symbiotic growth he shares with his clients. Throughout this journey, Kent strongly believes that perpetual growth is not just a goal but an essential aspect of personal and professional fulfillment.

PPPartners has helped him transition from a cold market approach to establishing a 100% Referral Base Business Practice. 

As a father of 3, he's glad that he can enhance the quality of life for his family, ensuring a nurturing and fulfilling environment for his children to thrive.


Principles & Values

Growing up in a family with improper financial planning and suffering from the consequences, Kent transformed into a passionate advocate for its rightful implementation.

And because of the consequences his parents faced, Kent draws upon his genuine advice and personal experience, aspiring to positively impact as many lives as possible through comprehensive financial planning.

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“Constantly seek Growth! Grow in different aspects of your life. If you are growing, you are living, in order to feel and prove that you are alive you have to keep growing”

- kent ooi

Clients’ Endorsements

Awards & Achievements

EliteGold Qualifier
2022, 2023

Qualifying Member of Million Dollar Round Table
2021, 2023, 2024

Kent is also a Chartered Financial Consultant®/SINGAPORE (CHFC®/S) and
Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®)